Friday, April 6, 2018

How A Social Security Attorney Can Help You Get The Benefits You Deserve

Everyone hopes that they will never need a social security attorney. However, if you become disabled or are unable to work because of a physical or mental illness, you may need help navigating the system to ensure you get the benefits that you are entitled to. An experienced firm who is knowledgeable about social security and disability laws can take care of the interaction with insurance companies, the Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, and any other groups that may be related to your claim.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) website indicates that everyone is entitled to representation when processing a claim under titles II, XVI, and XVIII of the Social Security Act. However, did you know that most claims are denied initially, and often with the first reconsideration as well, even if an attorney represents you? In that case, an administrative law judge hears the claim. It is at this point that a social security attorney can be a big help to win the claim. While legal representation does not guarantee that you will receive benefits, a reputable firm should be able to provide you with the best possible case and possess all the information needed prior to a hearing.

The SSA considers someone disabled if a person's physical or mental condition makes it impossible to do suitable work for his or her age, education, or work experience. Also, the disability must be one that is expected to last for at least a year or to result in death. To make this determination, the SSA considers the following:

- Is the claimant currently working? If so, and he earns an average of more than $500 per month, he typically will not be considered disabled.
- Can the condition be considered "severe"? Does it interfere with basic work-related activities?
- Is the condition listed in the SSA list of disabling impairments? If it is on this list, the claimant will definitely be qualified.
- Can you do any work that you have done before? If your condition is severe and keeps you from doing your current job, is it severe enough to keep you from doing other work you have done in the last 15 years?
- Can the applicant do any other type of work? If he cannot do anything previously done in the last 15 years, the SSA will consider whether he can do any other type of work based on age, education, past work experience, and skill set.

A qualified social security attorney can help you deal with one of the most confusing of all the federal government systems. If you determine that you meet any of these qualifications, you should contact an attorney experienced with social security claims to help you get all the requirements together to present your case to the SSA. Do your homework and retain one that will do their best to get your benefits in a timely manner.

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