Friday, January 8, 2016

Top Five Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Family Law Attorney Now

It can be difficult to understand the reasons why people end their marriages, and with a divorce rate in the U.S. of around 50%, it's impossible to pretend every wedding ends with "happily ever after." If you or your spouse has already initiated separation proceedings, here are five reasons why you need to hire a family law attorney now.

1. You Need an Objective Party

Personal relationships usually involve a plethora of subjective emotions and intimate details that are of the utmost importance to you and your spouse. If your union is troubled and coming to an end, you need someone who is an outsider in your divorce proceedings and can act as an objective party throughout the process. It is almost guaranteed that you will face complicated issues and emotions; lawyers are specifically trained to handle such cases in a fair and objective manner. This allows you to take a step back and avoid hasty decisions based on fleeting emotions. For instance, you might think it would be easiest to go for the quickest resolution when it comes to dividing property, but an experienced family law attorney can evaluate the circumstances and tell you if you should wait for a more equitable division.

2. You Need Help with Paperwork and Red Tape

Court proceedings almost always involve substantial amounts of paperwork and red tape. A qualified family law attorney will handle the complexities of the paperwork and make sure you keep moving forward toward a resolution.

3. You Have Dependent Children

If you have dependent children, custody issues are often the most challenging part of any marital dissolution. The most important goal is for the parties to agree on the arrangement that best serves the interests of the children. When issues are particularly complex, and the spouses cannot reach a mutual agreement, it is imperative to hire a veteran family law attorney who has dealt with these types of situations.

4. You Are Hoping for an Early Settlement

A lawyer with substantial experience in family matters can help you reach the most favorable settlement agreement as quickly as possible, and as early in the process as possible.

5. You Need Advice on Legal Options

Even if you simply just need advice on your legal options, having a qualified family law attorney can make a huge impact on the outcome. The issues that must be resolved in a marital dissolution include child custody, child support, property division, and spousal support. Many times during the negotiation process, parties use these issues against each other in the hope of achieving a better outcome. If you have a seasoned advisor, from the beginning you will get the right advice on what course of action you should pursue and what steps should be taken to ensure your goals are met.

If a resolution cannot be agreed upon and a trial is required, the right lawyer can aggressively represent your interests in court and work toward getting the most equitable jury verdict on your behalf.

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